Education That Raises Humans

Question: What is the thing that every high school education lacks? Answer: In general our education system is still based on the original model from the industrial revolution, considering education the factory like production of good workers and good consumers without any actual Human upbringing. Especially today, in the globally integrated and fully interdependent world … More Education That Raises Humans

Controlling The Universe

Question: Could an advanced species potentially gain control over the fate of the universe? Answer: Yes, and that advanced species is destined to be Humanity. At the moment we develop into a “truly Human state” – where Human means (based on the original Hebrew expression) becoming similar to Nature’s vast system through matching qualities – … More Controlling The Universe

None As Wise As The Experienced

Question: What things in life only come with experience? Answer: All attainment, understanding comes with experience as a beautiful saying – “none as wise as the experienced” – proclaims. Our mind, intellect is secondary to our emotional impressions since we are primarily emotional creatures. And we collect emotional impressions from practical experiences, actually going through … More None As Wise As The Experienced

Live Mass Extinction

Question: When was the last mass extinction on planet Earth, and what caused it? Answer: It is live on now, as we are already deep in the process of exterminating ourselves and the Natural system around us like cancer. And the cause is our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, hateful and greedy ego that drives all of … More Live Mass Extinction

None As Wise As The Experienced

Question: What is something nobody can truly understand until they’ve experienced it for themselves? Answer: There is a beautiful saying, “none as wise as the experienced”. There is nothing we can truly understands until we actually go through it. True understanding is called attainment when the direct, tangible, “tasted” emotional impressions from the actual experience … More None As Wise As The Experienced