Collective Logic, Collective Intelligence

Question: Can humanity function as a completely logical species or does our innate need for self-satisfaction prevent us? Answer: This is a crucial question which will determine the future of Humanity. At the moment we are not a “logical, intelligent” species, as we all act individually, selfishly, instinctively through an egocentric “pleasure/pain” software. Moreover most … More Collective Logic, Collective Intelligence

In Need Of A Software Upgrade

Question: What is the root cause of all problems in life? Answer: It is the seemingly unfinished, raw, beta software Nature’s evolution installed us with. While Nature in general is built on an altruistic, mutual, unconditionally serving, mutually complementing connection between all of its part – which ensures the crucially necessary balance, homeostasis – Human … More In Need Of A Software Upgrade

The Puppet Becoming The Puppet Master

Question: What are some human behaviors that seem to be caused by nature? Answer: This is an “easy” question to answer. Since we are created by Nature’s evolution, since our complete “operating software” comes from evolution, all our behavior, anything we think, desire, act comes from Nature. Our unique Human task is to recognize Nature’s … More The Puppet Becoming The Puppet Master