In Need Of A Software Upgrade

Question: What is the root cause of all problems in life? Answer: It is the seemingly unfinished, raw, beta software Nature’s evolution installed us with. While Nature in general is built on an altruistic, mutual, unconditionally serving, mutually complementing connection between all of its part – which ensures the crucially necessary balance, homeostasis – Human … More In Need Of A Software Upgrade

Survival By “Universal Brotherhood”

Question: Your answer to The concept of “globalization” has gained tremendous popularity, today. Do you find this concept relevant to the idea of ‘universal brotherhood ‘? Can you pose your opinion for or against the concept? Answer: You are right. Globalization is the state we evolved into and “universal brotherhood” is the solution for our … More Survival By “Universal Brotherhood”

Building Connections

Question: What are some simple ways to connect with your fellow humans? Answer: Although making connections seems simple – especially with the advent of social media where many of us have thousands of “friends” – making true, positive, sustainable connections is actually very difficult. It is easy to “meet” when it fits us, when the … More Building Connections

The “Last Generation”

Question: What do you hope that future generations will learn about this decade? Answer: Hopefully they will learn about generation as the pioneers of the so called “last generation”, part of Humanity that initiated the last, conscious phase of Human development after millennia of blind, instinctive evolution. It is our generation that is recognizing that … More The “Last Generation”

Education That Raises Humans

Question: What is the thing that every high school education lacks? Answer: In general our education system is still based on the original model from the industrial revolution, considering education the factory like production of good workers and good consumers without any actual Human upbringing. Especially today, in the globally integrated and fully interdependent world … More Education That Raises Humans

Controlling The Universe

Question: Could an advanced species potentially gain control over the fate of the universe? Answer: Yes, and that advanced species is destined to be Humanity. At the moment we develop into a “truly Human state” – where Human means (based on the original Hebrew expression) becoming similar to Nature’s vast system through matching qualities – … More Controlling The Universe

Selfless – When The Self Is Totally Annulled

Question: How do you define selfless behavior? Answer: The definition is in the “name” – selfless. It is a state where the “self” does not exist any longer, it is a completely unconditional service, love, care for another where the provider disappears, remains unknown, doesn’t receive any recognition, reward, feedback for giving everything possible to … More Selfless – When The Self Is Totally Annulled