Is this pandemic really revealing the dark side of our humanity (hording goods, xenophobia, etc.)?

Yes it does and this is very important. The right diagnosis is half the cure! After all, while we are trying to prevent, treat the Coronavirus infection we really need to diagnose and start treating the much greater problem, the true “deadly virus”: our own inherently selfish, hateful, greedy egos. It is our own nature … More Is this pandemic really revealing the dark side of our humanity (hording goods, xenophobia, etc.)?

The Predestined Fall Of Our Civilization

Question: Is the system really crumbling? Answer: Yes, our present system, civilization is crumbling and it was actually pre-programmed to fail. Human history is a recurring chain of vicious cycles, civilizations being built on the ruins of the previous ones, only to repeat the same mistakes and then fall themselves. And the falls usually come … More The Predestined Fall Of Our Civilization

The Right Environment Determines Who We Are

Question: How important do you think an individual’s environment is in terms of their development of personality and sense of identity? Answer: This is a very important question explaining Human development and free choice. We are the product of our environment, as it is the environment that supplies our values, aspirations, goals, our culture, the … More The Right Environment Determines Who We Are

In Need Of A Software Upgrade

Question: What is the root cause of all problems in life? Answer: It is the seemingly unfinished, raw, beta software Nature’s evolution installed us with. While Nature in general is built on an altruistic, mutual, unconditionally serving, mutually complementing connection between all of its part – which ensures the crucially necessary balance, homeostasis – Human … More In Need Of A Software Upgrade

The Puppet Becoming The Puppet Master

Question: What are some human behaviors that seem to be caused by nature? Answer: This is an “easy” question to answer. Since we are created by Nature’s evolution, since our complete “operating software” comes from evolution, all our behavior, anything we think, desire, act comes from Nature. Our unique Human task is to recognize Nature’s … More The Puppet Becoming The Puppet Master

The Major Issue Of Each Society

Question: What are the major issues of every society? What are the names of those countries that face these issues? Answer: Today all nations, cultures, societies face the same issues without exception. In a fully integrated and interdependent world, where everybody has become responsible for everybody else we are recognizing – through the developing crisis, … More The Major Issue Of Each Society