The Puppet Becoming The Puppet Master

Question: What are some human behaviors that seem to be caused by nature? Answer: This is an “easy” question to answer. Since we are created by Nature’s evolution, since our complete “operating software” comes from evolution, all our behavior, anything we think, desire, act comes from Nature. Our unique Human task is to recognize Nature’s … More The Puppet Becoming The Puppet Master

The Universe Calling..

Question: How do I recognise the signs from the universe? These days I feel like the universe is asking me to do something. Answer: You are very sensitive, as the Universe is truly communicating with us, “asking us” to do something. It wants us to search for and fulfill our unique, individual and collective Human … More The Universe Calling..

Telling Right From Wrong

Question: Why doing the right thing is not always easy? Answer: Because we don’t know what the “right thing” is! We are all born with an inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception. What we consider right/wrong is true only from our own self-serving, self-justifying viewpoint. And since we exist in a fully integrated, interdependent system where … More Telling Right From Wrong

The “Last Generation”

Question: What do you hope that future generations will learn about this decade? Answer: Hopefully they will learn about generation as the pioneers of the so called “last generation”, part of Humanity that initiated the last, conscious phase of Human development after millennia of blind, instinctive evolution. It is our generation that is recognizing that … More The “Last Generation”

An Individual View Of Universal Perfection

Question: Do you agree that there is no individual self but only universal self? Answer: Yes and no. It is getting clearer to everybody now – as we have evolved into a fully, globally integrated and interdependent world – that we have to develop a single, fully integrated Human consciousness, where we all sense ourselves … More An Individual View Of Universal Perfection