Assuming we overcome this pandemic, what kind of positive outcome should we expect from what we learned from this experience?

This is the big question. Do we really want to learn the lessons we received so far?! The pandemic showed us two things very clearly: We live in a closed, fully integrated and interdependent world, where we owe 100% mutual responsibility towards each other above borders, nationalities, countries, social status, etc. This is not something … More Assuming we overcome this pandemic, what kind of positive outcome should we expect from what we learned from this experience?

Will current world pandemics cause that in the future word globalization is used in explicitly negative context?

Will, I think that the notion “globalization” has already been used in negative context, moreover we have seen protests, even riots against the concept. But we need to differentiate between how we have been using globalization – exploiting global markets, financial ties for the benefit of a small minority at the expense of the majority … More Will current world pandemics cause that in the future word globalization is used in explicitly negative context?

How far from collapse is society as we know it based on our reaction to COVID-19?

I think the virus outbreak shows us a brutally honest mirror, that our proud, modern Human society is already collapsed. In this age, with all our technology, amassed knowledge we were all found with it pants down. There is absolutely no leadership, expertise, each government, leader acts accusing to their gut instincts. Even in Europe … More How far from collapse is society as we know it based on our reaction to COVID-19?

What are the weirdest things people are trying to do to prevent the coronavirus?

The weirdest thing is the total disconnection between people, countries, everybody trying to save themselves alone, it even at the expense of others. This is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing! I mean I understand the isolation precautions, but the total lack of mutual communication, mutual coordination at a time of a … More What are the weirdest things people are trying to do to prevent the coronavirus?

The Predestined Fall Of Our Civilization

Question: Is the system really crumbling? Answer: Yes, our present system, civilization is crumbling and it was actually pre-programmed to fail. Human history is a recurring chain of vicious cycles, civilizations being built on the ruins of the previous ones, only to repeat the same mistakes and then fall themselves. And the falls usually come … More The Predestined Fall Of Our Civilization

Mutual Guarantee Instead Of “Isms”

Question: Is it a myth that socialism cannot work because of human nature? Answer: None of our present “isms”, ideologies can work due to Human nature. By inherent nature – due to our egocentric, subjective, self-serving programming – we are all “raw capitalists”, trying to obtain, consume everything excessively only for ourselves, succeeding at the … More Mutual Guarantee Instead Of “Isms”