Assuming we overcome this pandemic, what kind of positive outcome should we expect from what we learned from this experience?

This is the big question. Do we really want to learn the lessons we received so far?! The pandemic showed us two things very clearly: We live in a closed, fully integrated and interdependent world, where we owe 100% mutual responsibility towards each other above borders, nationalities, countries, social status, etc. This is not something … More Assuming we overcome this pandemic, what kind of positive outcome should we expect from what we learned from this experience?

Will current world pandemics cause that in the future word globalization is used in explicitly negative context?

Will, I think that the notion “globalization” has already been used in negative context, moreover we have seen protests, even riots against the concept. But we need to differentiate between how we have been using globalization – exploiting global markets, financial ties for the benefit of a small minority at the expense of the majority … More Will current world pandemics cause that in the future word globalization is used in explicitly negative context?

How will coronavirus (Covid-19) change the way we live and think?

Since the pandemic again shows us that whether we want it or not we are locked into a closed, fully integrated, interdependent system we can’t escape from by Nature’s evolution, hopefully we will adjust our thinking and lifestyle to adapt to such integral conditions where we all depend on each other and we are all … More How will coronavirus (Covid-19) change the way we live and think?

Will humanity learn something from the Covid-19 outbreak? Will we as humans take this crisis as an opportunity to change or will everything be the same when this is over?

This is really the big question! Will we use our unique Human mind capable of critical self-assessment and this initiate necessary self-changes? Or we get scared, unite, work together – eventually – as an animalistic survival reflex, and then when the crisis is over we blindly return to the same life, same state we were … More Will humanity learn something from the Covid-19 outbreak? Will we as humans take this crisis as an opportunity to change or will everything be the same when this is over?

I believe that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has the potential to be the worse pandemic the world has ever seen by far. Does anyone agree with me?

At this stage we don’t know. So far the numbers don’t support your claim, although there is no guarantee that with a mutation the virus doesn’t turn to be as deadly as the Spanish flue. But in terms of its general effect, we can already assume that this pandemic will cause unprecedented changes in Humanity … More I believe that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has the potential to be the worse pandemic the world has ever seen by far. Does anyone agree with me?

How do you think the coronavirus pandemic will end?

I think everybody agrees that the virus pandemic will end in an unprecedented, global, economic, financial, political and social crisis, our present system, lifestyle being wiped out. But how that will end, unfold, that is our free choice, actually we will face the first true free choice in human history. Until now millennia of Human … More How do you think the coronavirus pandemic will end?

What has gotten lost in the media noise around COVID-19?

We are in an interesting situation. The media, which has become the symbol of our artificial, fake, hysterical, self-serving Human society, might have put the last nail in their own coffin with their predictable coverage. Many – experts and laymen alike – could argue that the worldwide reaction to the Coronavirus outbreak is still out … More What has gotten lost in the media noise around COVID-19?

Do you think the Coronavirus will permanently change the ways in which people work around the world? How?

Yes I believe so, not just how we work, but also what work we are doing. What we haven’t even started taking about – while everybody tries to stop the virus spread, tries to treat the patients, develop a vaccine – is that the restrictions, lockdown will cause an unprecedented economic, financial, political and social … More Do you think the Coronavirus will permanently change the ways in which people work around the world? How?

Is this pandemic really revealing the dark side of our humanity (hording goods, xenophobia, etc.)?

Yes it does and this is very important. The right diagnosis is half the cure! After all, while we are trying to prevent, treat the Coronavirus infection we really need to diagnose and start treating the much greater problem, the true “deadly virus”: our own inherently selfish, hateful, greedy egos. It is our own nature … More Is this pandemic really revealing the dark side of our humanity (hording goods, xenophobia, etc.)?

How far from collapse is society as we know it based on our reaction to COVID-19?

I think the virus outbreak shows us a brutally honest mirror, that our proud, modern Human society is already collapsed. In this age, with all our technology, amassed knowledge we were all found with it pants down. There is absolutely no leadership, expertise, each government, leader acts accusing to their gut instincts. Even in Europe … More How far from collapse is society as we know it based on our reaction to COVID-19?